Monday, July 21, 2014

New Collection of Necklaces

Hi Guys!

I just want to quickly share with you a few necklaces I managed to make in the last 2 days despite my headaches. (I realized I needed to wear my glasses again to avoid pesky headaches). 

Anyway, I hope you like my new collection. These are mostly made of faceted glass and semi precious stones. 


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tonight's work of Art: Necklaces made of Semi Precious Stones

This day has really been very productive for me despite how I feel. I made about 12 rings, 6 bracelets and 2 necklaces. 

Here are the last 2 pieces I made just tonight.
I used aluminum craft wires gauge 18 and 19 with amethyst, rose quartz and glass beads. 

These will be available in my facebook page tomorrow. 

From Drab to Fab! Wear these Cocktail Rings from MS Jewelry

Can I just day Im proud of myself today. Although I'm really not feeling well, I still managed to make quite a lot of my signature cocktail rings.

I used to make really big statement rings but I figured what about a ring for every day use?
So viola! Here are my new creations! I hope you love them as much as I do!

Get them now! I only make one design per replicas. ^_^ 
Click on the image to get one. 

 MS Jewelry

 MS Jewelry

Fell Inlove with this Simple DIY Earrings!

Hi Guys! 

While I'm still taking photos of all the jewelry DIYs I wann teach you, please allow me to share a few of my favorite projects I found online. 

Here's one from Jessica Jones of howaboutorange.

This is very easy to do. In Cebu, you can find all the materials from Cebu Hardware.
Materials include chain nosed pliers, seed beads and aluminum wire number or 23. 

 MS Jewelry

Go ahead and try it out and let me know how it went. 

Thanks for reading. 'Til next time!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Today's artwork: Necklace and Rings

So I was suppose to post a little bit earlier but because of the bed weather (I overslept in my nap) I did not finish in time. 

If you read my DIY entry yesterday, you will see a familiar part of the necklace I made today. I basically just connected all the loops to make a chain of beads. I used gauge 23 aluminum wire and faceted rondell glass beads in royal blue. This is actually a choker and would look great on an open neckline.
 MS Jewelry

I also made 10 pieces of simple or every day cocktail rings that will surely glam up your look instantly. 

 MS Jewelry

I usually wear this on my pointer finger like this. 
 MS Jewelry

Arent they just pretty? 

Thanks for taking time to read! If you want to check more of my jewelry, simply visit my facebook page  msaccessories (by Sheela Farinas)  or click any of the images here. 

Next post will be another tutorial so watch out for that! 

Til next time!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tonight's Creation: Cocktail Rings

One of the easiest item I love to make is my signature cocktail rings. A few saturn loops and framing, swirls and twists and Im all done! 
Here's what I made for tonight. I made these 2 in 20 minutes. 
Materials used were glass beads and aluminum craft wire

Materials used were glass beads and aluminum craft wire

How to Make a Wire Loop

When I first started making wire jewelry, making wire loops is the first technique I needed to master. It allowed me to make so many things like earrings, bracelets and even necklaces! From  simple single bead earring to bunches of dangling beads in a necklace, it was all made easy with this easy to master technique.

simple loop
wrapped loop

First, know that there are two kinds of loops that you need to master before you start to experiment. One is a simple wire loop that you basically create a circle with the wire using a round nosed pliers while the second is called a wire wrapped loop using the same tool.

Here are ways to do it. 
Image from Beadaholique
Image from diyjewelryblog

Image from diyjewelryblog

Please note that the circle (loop) should sit on top of your bead in order for it to look presentable and to ensure it will not loosen. 

Here's an illustration
image from

Thanks and catch you again soon!

All my best,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Looking for Resellers!

I've recently sent items worth about 3,000 to  friend in Qatar. She said she was going to sell my items.I was really happy when I saw her posting my creations! I feel so proud of myself! I know its just a little thing but knowing that someone appreciates your work feel damn great!

Here are some of the photos she took of my creations. If you want to be a reseller, please feel free to contact me. 
 MS Jewery

 MS Jewelry

 MS Jewery

In Love with Necklaces

Faceted glass beads, agates, amethyst and lapiz lazuli- these and more are some of my favorite materials to use now in making my fashion jewelry collections in MS Jewelry.  Here's a photo of some of my works. I've handcrafted each one with utmost care, thinking of what to wear this with and how to best show off these babies with your outfits. 

Don't you want to wear one as unique as these? 